Covid-19 has a strong impact not only on our individual lives but also on organisations. NGOs are particularly hit.
We are making our contribution by reducing some of our prices for services urgently needed in these challenging times:
Donor Mapping -20%
We offer a discount of 20% on all donor mappings until 31 May 2020. A donor mapping is a document of up to 30 donors that we research for your individual organisation or project based on your own pre-defined criteria. It helps you approach the right donors with the right project idea.
Proposal Review -20%
Once you have identified a good donor match and have prepared the way to submit a proposal (Do not forget to network with a prospective donor as a general rule before you submit your application pack!), we will help you to make your proposal ‘donor-fit’, screen it from all angles (i.e. coherence, Value for Money, sustainability etc.) and come up with suggestions on how to improve it.
Get in touch
If you would like to discuss some more details on the services offered, please get in touch via email office(a) or book a Skype Call with us!