We have worked with more than 200 public and private donors – such as:

African Development Bank (AfDB)

Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)

Austrian Development Agency (ADA)

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) – e.g. UK Aid Direct or Global Poverty Action Fund (GPAF)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) – e.g. The Global Development Alliance (GDA)

European Commission (EC) – e.g. EuropeAid, Horizon2020 or NEAR

European Commission Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO)

OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

UN Organisations – e.g. UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF or UNHCR

Embassies – e.g. The Finnish Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC) or the US Embassy to Zimbabwe

LEGO Foundation

Medicor Foundation

Oak Foundation

Porticus Global Foundation 

Kahane Foundation

Robert Bosch Foundation

Swiss Re Foundation

Open Society Foundations 

Knorr Bremse Global 

Swedish Postcode Foundation

…and many more foundations

We have lived and worked in four continents:

Africa: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal, Zimbabwe

Asia: Afghanistan, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan

Central America: El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua

South America: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador

Middle East: Jordan, Palestine

South East Europe: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Moldova, Romania, Serbia

We are can carry out assignments in:

German, English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese

Some of our recent references for PROJECT DEVELOPMENT/PROPOSAL WRITING include…

Country Sector Task Donor
Moldova Child protection M&E support for various NGOs Porticus Ltd.
Bosnia & Herzegovina Education Proposal development Robert Bosch Foundation
Burkina Faso Inclusive livelihoods Proposal development HIF
Kenya Social inclusion Proposal development USAID
Mozambique Social inclusion Proposal writing of an inclusive TVET project Enabel
Bolivia Social inclusion and human rights Proposal development of inclusive education for children with disabilities Maria Marina Foundation
Latin America
Research EU-LAC relations (EC-Horizon 2020) Proposal writing of a capacity building programme of Latin American universities European Commission
Austria/Zambia Governance Stakeholder exchange and planning workshop Austrian Development Agency
Ethiopia Academic Partnership Proposal writing for an academic partnership between Gondar University (Ethiopia) and Alpen-Adria University (Austria) Austrian Development Agency
Uganda Social entrepreneurship Support with proposal writing for business development European Commission
Bosnia and Herzegovina Social inclusion and human rights Proposal development for MOZAIK’s inclusive programming Austrian Development Agency
Latin America
Research EU-LAC relations (Horizon 2020) Proposal support for better links between Latin America and EuropeAustrian Latin American Institute European Commission
Laos Children and youth Proposal development for a Swiss NGO working in Laos St. Eustachius Foundation
Moldova Social inclusion Concept note development for online submission Oak Foundation
Moldova Governance and voter education Grant coaching on a full proposal submitted to ADA on civic voter eduation of first-time-voters Austrian Development Agency
Colombia Indigenous communities and peace building Development of a concept note on food security, indigenous rights and peace building Porticus Global
Zimbabwe Agriculture and rural development Proposal on the promotion of small-scale agriculture and dryland farming AusAid
Zimbabwe Climate change and environment Proposal development on mainstreaming climate change in innovative value chains AfDB
Georgia Human rights Concept note development on human rights project in Georgia European Commission
Lebanon Humanitarian aid Grant coaching on proposal submission for health funding in Lebanon Kahane Foundation
Moldova Governance Concept note development on civic engagement of youth in Moldova Mott Foundation
Moldova Women and gender Registration of NGO in roster of potential partners of OSCE OSCE
Tajikistan Economic development Proposal development for value chain project with peace building components in Tajikistan Robert Bosch Foundation
Tunisia Value chain development Proposal development of leather value chain in Tunisia USAID
Zimbabwe Rural development Concept note development for agriculture and climate change project in Zimbabwe for online submission to DFID UK Aid Direct (DFID)


Some of our recent references for EVALUATIONS and REVIEWS include…

Country Sector Task Client
Austria/different country offices Various sectors Training on the Guidelines for Programme and Project Evaluations Austrian Development Agency
Austria/different country offices Various sectors Design of Guidelines for Programme and Project Evaluations Austrian Development Agency
Moldova Rural development/livelihoods Training on the use of a Theory of Change Diaconia
Ukraine Home-care services Training on the use of a Theory of Change Caritas Vienna/Caritas Ukraine
Romania Social workforce development Set-up of a Theory of Change framework Concordia Academia
Zambia Democracy and good governance Final evaluation of a parliamentary program VIDC
Rumania/Moldova/Czech Republic Deinstitutionalisation of children M&E support for various NGOs Porticus Ltd.
Austria Development in general Final evaluation of development directives Province of Vorarlberg
Austria Development in general Final evaluation of an advocacy programme Global Responsibility
Rumania/Bulgaria Social inclusion Coaching for 2 two impact studies Concordia
Austria Inclusion at sports Formative assessment of a FairPlay program VIDC
Albania Tourism, education and economic development Mid-term evaluation Kulturkontakt
Colombia Sustainable livelihood approaches Final evaluation of an indigenous rights project (Emberá, Nukak and Guayaberos) HWA Colombia
Bolivia Inclusive business development Final evaluation of a value chain development project USAID
Guatemala Sustainable land management Final evaluation of a land titling program WorldBank
Ghana Peace building and conflict prevention Final evaluation of a capacity-building for peace and security project Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution
Mozambique Rural development and food security Final evaluation of river basin management project in Sofala Hilfswerk Mozambique
Rural development and food security Final review of a rural capacity development programme Jugend eine Welt
Social inclusion Final programme evaluation Diakonie
Nepal/Sri Lanka Business development and market linkages Baseline study for a pro-poor growth ecotourism intervention UNICEF


Some of our recent references for DONOR MAPPINGS include…

Country Sector Task
Austria, Turkey Public health and food security Donor mapping for European Commission grants on health funding in Austria and Turkey
Worldwide Youth and volunteerism Donor mapping for youth, international exchange and volunteerism projects worldwide
India Climate change, energy and social business Donor mapping for an emerging social business in India in the areas of green energy, climate change and reduction of CO2 emissions
Africa, Asia Agriculture, education, health and social inclusion Donor mapping for foundations working in various sectors in selected countries in Asia and Africa
Zimbabwe, Lesotho Social inclusion Donor mapping for public and private donors funding disability projects in Zimbabwe and Lesotho
Nepal Children Donor mapping for children and youth projects in Nepal for a UK charity


… PLUS close to 300 face-to-face and online trainings and webinars for different non-profits across the globe!